Clinic Rates

Our Clinic Rates


Initial Visit ( Assessment and treatment) 50 min.- $100

Subsequent Visit 50 min-$100

ICBC Initial Assessment and treatment) 60 min.-$123

ICBC Subsequent 50 min- $104

Registered Massage

Initial Assessment & Treatment- $126

Subsequent Assessment & Treatment 60 min = $ 126

Initial Assessment & Treatment 45 min = $94

Subsequent Assessment & Treatment 45 min = $94

Initial Assessment & Treatment 30 min = $65

Subsequent Assessment & Treatment 30 min = $65


Initial Assessment & Treatment = $85

Subsequent Assessment & Treatment = $80

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist

-Free consultation 15 min
- initial consultation and treatment 60 min. 120 $
- follow up treatment Acupuncture 50 min  100 $
- facial ( cosmetic) acupuncture 90 min 150 $
(Double chine ,Remove laugher lines , Frontal lines , Frown lines, Crows feet , 
  dark cycle and puffy eyes , eyebrow and eyelid lifting) 
 Hyper pigmentation, acne , acne scar , Skin tightening ( neck ) 
 Cellulite, stretch marks )
-Blood letting with acupuncture 60 min : 160
-Nutritional advice with acupuncture 90 min : 180
-Head and face tuina  massage 40 min : 120 $
Herbal medicine formula : depends on dosage 
ICBC Initial & Subsequent treatment should be pre-approved by ICBC and would be at no coast for the patient

GST included in all the prices.